Water Saving

Target: motivate children to take care of water resources and justify the appropriateness of water saving



  1. to increase knowledge about water as an important factor in the existence of life on Earth;
  2. to explain the necessity and importance of careful treatment of water at home and in nature;
  3. identify ways to solve the problem of water use and water conservation;
  4. stimulate the search for independent ways to save water;
  5. to inform about the problem of water saving in the home.


Target: to study the biodiversity of organisms in the territory of the institution and the surrounding area.



  1. to get acquainted with the scientific and popular scientific literature of the corresponding work theme;
  2. to identify species composition of animals of different biocoenoses;
  3. reveal the species composition of plants, algae and fungi of various biocoenoses;
  4. to assess the biological diversity in the study area;
  5. to make an environmental assessment of the state of biodiversity of the territory of the institution and the surrounding area.

Energy Saving

Target: to conduct an audit of the use of electricity in the State Institution «Republican rehabilitation centre for disabled children».



  1. to study the electrical power consumption in the facility;
  2. to study the thermal energy consumption in the institution;
  3. to make a plan of energy saving measures in the institution;
  4. to set up an information corner on energy saving.

Waste management

Target: to make sure that separate garbage collection is important.



  1. to study the composition of waste generated at the Centre;
  2. to make a plan to minimize the waste generated;
  3. organize the collection of used batteries.

Information and environmental activities on working with the local community "Ecological initiatives"

Target: to draw attention of local communities to environmental problems (participation in campaigns, contests, festivals).



  1. to take part in actions and events;
  2. to hold a poster competition among children with disabilities to draw attention to environmental issues;
  3. to organize an environmental festival called "Earth Our Home";
  4. to conduct environmental monitoring in the adjacent natural area.