Ministry of Labour and Social Protection Republic of Belarus
The Republican rehabilitation center
for disabled children
Medical rehabilitation

The medical base of the center includes many (including copyright) methods for the rehabilitation of children with disabilities with diseases of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems, which result in disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

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Medical and psychological rehabilitation

• Psychological and defectological care;

• Development of socially significant skills;

• Social adaptation.

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Career guidance

The basis of rehabilitation is not an emphasis on the child’s problem, but the fact that each of the children can realize their talents, make them their profession.

Therefore, the Center has opened an office for professional testing and training in profession skills.

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The «Milasernast» lottery

The lottery is held throughout the Republic of Belarus.

The founder of the lottery is the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus.

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The green school

We are implementing the UNDP project of international technical assistance «Involving the public in environmental monitoring and improving environmental governance at the local level.»

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Special techniques
In our practice, we apply modern techniques and equipment, such as "TOMATIS" and "FORBRAIN".
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What are we doing

Comprehensive rehabilitation of disabled children with modern methods
of medical, physical, psychological and pedagogical correction, as well as social.

A video about the center
Be with us

We are social people, so get in touch with us.

Follow us and be the first to hear the news and receive updates, new releases and special offers.

Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Sevastopol str., 56, 220049

Reception Director tel. / Fax: 8 (017) 374 58 17

Registry office tel. 8 (017) 373 60 86

Insulator tel. 8 (017) 359 47 70


Working hours

8.00 - 17.00

Lunch break:
13.00 - 13.30

Day off: